During work one day this week, I really got to thinking... thinking about how a lot of Christians say, “I feel like I’m just going through the motions in my walk with Christ.” I had a major realization. It was apparent to me that sometimes in order to get in motion, you have to go through the motions. You are learning how to put aside time each day to spend with Christ. You are learning how to give thanks to God and speak with Him through prayer. So, in all reality, at the beginning, you really are going through the motions. But, that is exactly how you get yourself in motion.
I recently started a new job, and as I was training for it, I really didn’t understand it at first. I train automotive technicians on a system that helps them easily write repair stories, but I had no previous knowledge about anything in the automotive industry before I started. When I first started to train the technicians, I had no idea about the things that I was teaching them. I was just going through the motions and doing what I had been taught to say. Thankfully, through much prayer and practice, I finally started to understand the things that I was teaching the technicians. I had at last gotten into motion, but it started with me just going through the motions.
What I am trying to say is that most often than not, in the beginning we really are going through the motions. As we are doing so though, we are readying ourselves to get in motion! Get in motion for Christ!
"And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men;"
Colossians 3:23 KJV